Meeting the Needs of Expectant Parents
How UT Health Austin clinicians and staff bridge gaps in maternity care.
How UT Health Austin clinicians and staff bridge gaps in maternity care.
Comprehensive Memory Center researchers seek to understand the individual needs of those caring for loved ones with dementia.
How rethinking your relationship with alcohol can pave the way towards a healthier life.
UT Health Austin health social workers share insights on how to effectively support your loved one throughout their health journey.
Money problems are often among the first signs of cognitive decline.
UT Health Austin providers share what to know about the common habit – and when to break it.
A UT Health Austin psychologist clears up misconceptions surrounding the mental health condition.
UT Health Austin psychologist provides mental health support for local musicians.
UT Health Austin perinatal and reproductive psychiatrist shares insights into latest breakthrough in postpartum mental health care.
A UT Health Austin clinical social worker reveals seasonal affective disorder may not be limited to the cold, dark winter months.
UT Health Austin health social workers advocate for every aspect of a patient’s well-being.
UT Health Austin perinatal and reproductive psychiatrist shares tips on navigating the postpartum period.
UT Health Austin clinical neuropsychologist appears as a guest on NPR's Morning Edition, discussing how Alzheimer's and other forms of dementia leave seniors at risk for financial mismanagement and exploitation.
You may already own the next cutting-edge dementia prevention tool.
If mood changes at that time of the month are more than you can bear, you're not alone. D. Jeffrey Newport, MD, weighs in on premenstrual dysphoric disorder and how Women's Reproductive Mental Health of Texas can help.
New research from the Mulva Clinic for the Neurosciences characterizes shifts in internet use among older adults during the pandemic.
In this two-part series, UT Health Austin clinicians discuss the importance of adequate caloric intake for young athletes.
Researchers affiliated with the Mulva Clinic for the Neurosciences hope to identify changes in brain development that predict condition onset.
A new initiative spearheaded by UT Health Austin psychiatrist Stephen Strakowski, MD will improve mental health support for people incarcerated in Travis County.
In this two-part series, UT Health Austin clinicians discuss the importance of adequate caloric intake for young athletes.
Clinicians from the Mulva Clinic for Neurosciences share their perspective in honor of World Brain Day.
Nicholas Ortiz, MD, from the Mulva Clinic for the Neurosciences explains the basis and benefits of the technique and describes what patients can expect from the procedure.
UT Health Austin receives a $100,000 grant from the Cardinal Health Foundation to join a national quality improvement collaborative focused on improving suicide care.
A UT Health Austin neuropsychologist answers the top 10 questions he gets asked about the aging brain.
How you can turn that frown upside down.
How practicing mindfulness can help keep your holiday celebrations merry and bright.
UT Health Austin mental and behavioral health experts address common myths surrounding suicide.
The mental and physical effects of music can be powerful and are often wide-ranging, so much so that filling the halls of the Dell Seton Medical Center at The University of Texas with music has become a new initiative of the Dell Medical School and UT Health Austin. Director of Music Services, Mark Bernat, brings music to the the atrium and waiting areas of the Dell Seton Medical Center.
UT Health Austin licensed professional counselor Marcella Maxwell, MA, LMFT, LCP, educates parents on how to become adequate advocates for their students navigating medical and mental health concerns within the academic setting.
UT Health Austin clinical psychologist, Greg Fonzo, PhD, receives a $300,000 grant to investigate the potential for focused ultrasound to influence the circuitry of the brain in effort to develop new treatment tools for bipolar and other mood disorders.
How UT Health Austin’s Health Social Work care team is going above and beyond to support patients during the COVID-19 public health crisis.
UT Health Austin pediatric behavioral and mental health specialists practicing in UT Health Austin Pediatric Psychiatry at Dell Children's explain the impact of changes related to COVID-19 on children and offer solutions and resources to parents on how to help them adjust during these times of uncertainty.
When you are under stress for a prolonged period of time, it can cause or worsen a variety of health problems. Learn how to recognize the symptoms of the stress you are feeling, find ways to better manage that stress, and know who to contact if you need help.
If you are experiencing anxiety or stress related to the COVID-19 (coronavirus) outbreak, this is a normal reaction. During this tough time, it’s important monitor your own physical and mental health and find ways of coping that work best for you. Explore these tips shared by UT Health Austin social workers to help ease your COVID-19 anxiety and stress.
UT Health Austin social workers help patients manage their diagnosis as well as any personal, social, or emotional difficulties they may be experiencing.
Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a noninvasive neuromodulation treatment used to combat Major Depressive Disorder. UT Health Austin’s Director of Treatment-Resistant Depression, Samuel Collier, MD, shares his insights into the treatment process, side effects, and advantages of TMS.
UT Health Austin neuropsychologist Robin Hilsabeck, PhD, shares advice on helping loved ones with Alzheimer's disease and their caregivers cope with guests and celebrations during the holidays.
Nan was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 1998 and has always maintained a positive attitude about life with MS. But when Hurricane Harvey flooded her home, it was her support system and strong relationship with Dr. Léorah Freeman that helped her through some of the most difficult times.
Suicide must be treated as more than a conversation – it is a public health crisis and a leading cause of death in the United states. Here's what you should know about suicide and suicide prevention.
What is women's reproductive health? Dr. Jeffrey Newport, psychiatrist, talks with KXAN news about the considerations women should take around mental health and pregnancy and explains more about UT Health Austin's new reproductive mental health program.
When many think of speech-language pathology, their perception may be limited. Lindsey Wineholt CCC-SLP, UT Health Austin’s Speech-Language Pathologist for patients with degenerative dementia disorders, wants you to know that the scope of a speech language pathologist is much broader than you might think.
Anyone working in the “helping profession,” including doctors, nurses, social workers, paramedics, law enforcement, teachers, and other caregivers are at risk of developing compassion fatigue, and likely will experience compassion fatigue to some extent throughout their career. But how do you recognize it, manage it and prevent it?
We talked with UT Health Austin’s Director of Clinical Social Work, Donna Shanor, LCSW, LCDC, about what drives her each day to make an impact, but to fully understand, we had to go back to the beginning, back to why she chose social work, her “defining moment.”
Mindfulness is defined as the practice of maintaining a non-judgmental state of heightened or complete awareness. Dr. Teresa Lanza di Scalea, psychiatrist at UT Health Austin, discusses practical methods you can do everyday to be more mindful.
Bipolar Disorder is a common brain disease that affects about two percent of the world’s population, however, there are many common misconceptions about Bipolar Disorder, and much of what you think you may know about it may not be accurate.