Terri Stuchl wearing dark scrubs and smiling in front of a white backdrop.

Terri Stuchl, RN

Appointments: 1-855-352-2900
Fax: 1-512-476-4922
Dell Med Directory Bio: Terri Stuchl


Temple College, ADN

Biography and Education

Clinical Biography

Terri Stuchl, RN, is a licensed registered nurse in UT Health Austin’s Ambulatory Surgery Center. She specializes in providing perioperative and post-anesthesia care and ensures the safety of all patients undergoing surgery and other invasive procedures.

Terri Stuchl earned her associate’s degree in nursing from Temple College.

Board Certification

  • Texas Board of Nursing, Licensed Registered Nurse



  • UT Health Austin Clinics
    Health Transformation Building
    1601 Trinity Street, Bldg. A
    Austin, TX 78712
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